
SHINee Etude House

Have you heard of Etude House?
Well it's a Korean cosmetic brand from Korea.
I first bought Etude product when I was visiting Korea.
There are a lot of cosmetic brands originated from Korea and they are all cute and beautiful.
If you were to got to Korea, don't miss going to these shopping stores like Etude, The Face Shop, Holika Holika, Elianto and others I cannot remember the name. The salesgirls will usually give out testers for their products, so just grab whatever they give you! It could be their BB cream, their small pot of lip balm, lipsticks, masker, or whatever.
So you know I love this K-Pop Idol I called chicken, which is from the group SHINee. SHINee is the new face for Etude house. They are promoting the range of Bee-happy lotion but sadly it is not released yet in Bandung. I went to Etude as soon as November came but I didn't even see a SHINee poster posted up yet.
Indonesia, what to expect? Everything is always slower released.
So the Facebook official page of this Etude House has released the pictures of the boys for their endorsements.
Oh ONEW! ^3^
LOL Key... What an expression!
Most of these pictures, you know who I had my eyes on - ONEW! Hehe.
This picture made me hungry T_T


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